Being brutally honest about books

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Burial Rites by Hannah Kent

Date finished: 12 August 2015

Where do I even start? This is a novel based on a true story about the last person to be executed in Iceland in 1830, Agnes Magnúsdóttir, sentenced to death for her part in the murders of two men. It’s dark and grim, definitely not what you’d want to read on a summer holiday. But it’s so well-done that despite its bleakness it’s a beautiful book.

As it’s based on a true story, it’s not as if the plot can be full of improbable adventure. Instead, we see how Agnes lives out her last few months before her execution, and through flashbacks and her stories to the reverend and her host family we find out about her past. There are also documents from the case that give an idea of how criminals were treated at the time, which made me uneasy. The author does a great job at retelling Agnes’s story and, as she says in the author’s note, provide a “more ambiguous portrayal of this woman” so that we sympathise with the protagonist. Without flashbacks the plot would have no substance and it would be very boring to read, but the backstory and the eventual recounting of the events leading up to and during the double murder make it interesting and even gripping.

The most obvious thing to comment on is the writing. Even the blurb calls the prose beautiful and cut-glass, and that’s correct. So is the comment from author Madeline Miller (whose book The Song of Achilles is one of my new favourites – check out my review here), which definitely convinced me to give Burial Rites a go. The language is stunning. The words and sentence structures themselves aren’t too complicated, but the use of imagery is amazing – I’m in awe of the author’s ability to string together such wonderful similes. Even if the story doesn’t excite you, the book is worth reading for the writing alone.

Agnes is a believable character, and I liked that she is strong but not invincible – she gets on with her life, facing terrible hardships and losses, but her response to the reality that she is about to be executed is very human – she is terrified, and this moved me. Agnes is in her mid-thirties at the time of her execution, but her age is not too important and even though I’m half her age I still felt for her, which is no mean feat for the writer. The reverend, Tóti, is likeable too, as is Steina (not so much her sister Lauga), and Margrét becomes more accepting and forgiving towards Agnes, even though she is very against Agnes coming to live with her family at the beginning. Most of the characters are not very nice, however, but they are still portrayed realistically and are important to the plot to be written that way, so I think the overall characterisation is excellent.

This is the fourth book I’ve read this year with a Scandinavian setting, but Iceland in 1828-1830 is a new one for me. We see the poverty and hardships the ordinary people faced just to survive, as well as the public opinion towards criminals, which is all very interesting and serves to develop the characters. The Icelandic character and place names are distracting in terms of pronunciation, but at the start of the book is a guide for some vowels and diphthongs, which helps a bit. The map is also useful in figuring out where the locations mentioned are in relation to each other.

This is an adult book, which I’ve been finding myself reading more of lately, but despite the mature themes (unhealthy relationships is not the only one) and occasional graphic imagery, I think it would be fine for anyone over sixteen to read. If you’re a fan of historical fiction with a bit of crime thrown in, Burial Rites is definitely worth picking up.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Top Ten Authors I've Read The Most Books From

Top Ten Tuesday is an awesome weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Posting a day late because I haven’t had internet for the past twenty four hours.

1. Tamora Pierce (24)
Mistress of fantasy, I started reading the Song of the Lioness quartet in 2010 and couldn't stop. 

2. John Marsden (14)
Why is Australian fiction so good? We will never know. I actually saw John Marsden speak at the Auckland Readers and Writers Festival in 2014. He was very funny. 

Her books aren't necessarily good, but they make me laugh. Out loud.  

I'm not a big manga fan, but I absolutely loved her A Devil and Her Lovesong series. 

Isobelle Carmody. Sigh. One of my favourite fantasy authors, but doesn't seem to be able to just finish a bloody book.  The first Obernewtyn book was published in the 80s and the last one still isn't out yet. It's a similar story with Legend Song. She came to my school to speak to the Year 9s two years ago, and I still haven't forgiven my sister for listening to a talk about one of my favourite authors when I wasn't invited because I was Year 11.

Words can't describe how much I love her Shadowhunter books. I'm undecided on whether to read her next series, but I love her already published books. I saw her at the Auckland Readers and Writers Festival in 2011 and she signed my copy of City of Fallen Angels

7. L.A. Meyer (11) 
The Bloody Jack books are fantastic - they're historical fiction with action, romance, and humour. Definitely recommend.

I started reading his CHERUB series, which I really enjoyed, but never got around to finishing. 

It's been a very long time since I read his books, and I think they'd be too young for me now, but I especially loved his Warrior Princess books.  

10. Carolyn Meyer (9)
She writes historical YA fiction, mostly about quite mainstream queens when they were young, but you do learn a lot about those characters.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

The Ultimate Book Tag

Let's say I was tagged by Alise at Readers In Wonderland (though I wasn't individually tagged).

1. Do you get sick while reading in the car?
Yes. I can't read in the car at all. I can barely look down at all without feeling dizzy.

2. Which author’s writing style is completely unique to you and why?

Moira Young's in the Dustlands trilogy. She writes with the grammar and spelling that her characters use, and it's very original. (Although I later read The Color Purple, which does the same, but I read Dustlands first!)

3. Harry Potter Series or the Twilight Saga? Give 3 points to defend your answer. 

Harry Potter.
1. I've actually bothered watching the films.
2. It's not about vampires.
3. It's not about an annoying American teenage girl caught in a love triangle. 

4. Do you carry a book bag? If so, what is in it (besides books)?

No, I don't, although sometimes I bring a bag to the library if I'm intending to get out lots of books. (Which rarely happens these days.)

5. Do you smell your books?

Not usually. 

6. Books with or without little illustrations?

I don't mind either way - sometimes illustrations are a nice break, but sometimes they just waste space and make the book longer than it has to be. 

7. What book did you love while reading but discovered later it wasn’t quality writing?

I loved Romeo's Ex: Rosaline's Story by

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Top Ten Books That Celebrate Diversity/Diverse Characters

Top Ten Tuesday is an awesome weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.When I first saw this week's theme, I thought that I'd never be able to find ten books I've enjoyed that celebrate diversity, but I was wrong, and here we are.

The Color Purple 
The Color Purple by Alice Walker

I'm studying this in English this year, and at first I thought it was just another boring book about racism in America, but it's so much more. The protagonist is a lesbian POC in the early 20th Century, and this book was published in the 80s! Yay for diversity!

Blood Red Road (Dust Lands, #1) 
Blood Red Road (Dust Lands Trilogy #1) by Moira Young 

A post-apocalyptic series written how the characters talk. The language takes some getting used to, but it's very effective, just like the above! (That wasn't a conscious decision of mine when doing this meme.) The protagonist may or may not be a WOC, it's hard to say - she describes her brother as light and herself as dark, so it's possibly they're mixed race. But it has been some time since I read it.

The Comet's Curse (Galahad, #1) 
The Comet's Curse (Galahad #1) by Dom Testa

Sunday, 12 July 2015

The Would You Rather Book Tag

Technically I wasn't tagged by anyone, but for the sake of the game, let's say Pinkindle tagged me.

Would you rather only read trilogies or standalones?

Standalones. I am so sick of series.

Would you rather read only male or female authors?

Female, but I don't really pay that much attention to whether the book's author is male or female.

Would you rather shop at Barnes and Noble or Amazon?

 Neither is that accessible to me but I would say Amazon.

Would you rather read only 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?

Five per week! Imagine how fast I would get through my to-read list!

Would you rather be a professional author or reviewer?

Author. That's been my dream for about ten years. But being a professional reviewer would be awesome too.

Would you rather be a librarian or a bookseller?

Bookseller. Because then I'd only have to see and touch new, pristine books, and no old, falling apart ones .

Would you rather read only e-books or physical books?

As much as I love ebooks to bits, I would have to say physical, just because they look nice and you can flick and scan through the pages easily.
I'm Alexandria, a 19-year-old reader/writer/blogger from New Zealand. I love language, history, and sci-fi. Hi! I'm always around if you want to talk, which you can do via comments, the contact form, or Facebook.

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