Being brutally honest about books

Sunday, 12 July 2015

The Would You Rather Book Tag

Technically I wasn't tagged by anyone, but for the sake of the game, let's say Pinkindle tagged me.

Would you rather only read trilogies or standalones?

Standalones. I am so sick of series.

Would you rather read only male or female authors?

Female, but I don't really pay that much attention to whether the book's author is male or female.

Would you rather shop at Barnes and Noble or Amazon?

 Neither is that accessible to me but I would say Amazon.

Would you rather read only 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?

Five per week! Imagine how fast I would get through my to-read list!

Would you rather be a professional author or reviewer?

Author. That's been my dream for about ten years. But being a professional reviewer would be awesome too.

Would you rather be a librarian or a bookseller?

Bookseller. Because then I'd only have to see and touch new, pristine books, and no old, falling apart ones .

Would you rather read only e-books or physical books?

As much as I love ebooks to bits, I would have to say physical, just because they look nice and you can flick and scan through the pages easily.
I'm Alexandria, a 19-year-old reader/writer/blogger from New Zealand. I love language, history, and sci-fi. Hi! I'm always around if you want to talk, which you can do via comments, the contact form, or Facebook.

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