Being brutally honest about books

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Since I've Been Gone: January & February Wrap Up

I'm back from hiatus! But with uni starting again this week, I don't expect I'll be blogging very frequently as I have lots of other things to do. In the meantime, what happened while I was gone?



  • I've been learning to drive! So far so good with the automatic, need lots of practice with the manual. And then we'll have to see about parking...
  • I had a summer job and saved a bit of money, yay! Now I'm back home I have to keep looking for part-time jobs, though...
  • My holiday was generally pretty great, and I felt completely on top of things, like I'd got my shit together after two years of not being very motivated, and it felt good.



Click the covers to go to the Goodreads links. 

28674365  23342394  29425846  18196516  24790901   22062431   21600690  25889417
2493  13534499  26396669 17666124
25021810  21943375  12328036  34059947

How have the last 2 months been for you? What cool posts around the blogosphere did I miss? Have you read any of the books I read?

I'm Alexandria, a 19-year-old reader/writer/blogger from New Zealand. I love language, history, and sci-fi. Hi! I'm always around if you want to talk, which you can do via comments, the contact form, or Facebook.

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